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On Tuesday 4th June, Farmer Tina, from the Animal Barn team at Farmer Palmer’s Farm Park, heard an unfamiliar chirping sound in the Big Barn’s aviary. After following her intuitions, as well as the chirping sounds, she discovered a couple of newly born baby budgies hidden under some of the artificial grass.

Tina said “The budgies were acting out of character. Typically, budgies nest on the floor and not use anything for bedding, but these budgies have decided to make their nest under a piece of artificial grass that was wrapped around a branch in the aviary. I’ve looked today and they’re feathered up, with their eyes open. We think there’s two more hatched out – still pink and tiny!

Keeping a close eye on them, a few days later, three more budgies arrived in the nest. So, we asked Laura, the Animal Barn Team Manager to give us a bit more information about budgies, and these in particular, she said “The parents of these little chicks are both olive green, so the chances are that these will also be bright and beautiful too! They have chosen to nest underneath a branch wrapped in astroturf, there must have been a gap at the end of the branch that they have slithered into because it wasn’t until we heard little chirping noises did, we realise they were in there! The parents were very sneaky, and the nest was well hidden.

Budgies typically incubate their eggs for 18 days, and usually breed from October to March. However, they can breed throughout the year, especially after heavy rain as in the wild, food source would be more abundant.

We have put a dish of egg food in the aviary to give the budgies with a little boost of high protein. This will allow them to stay healthy, but also pass these nutrients to their young.

It will take the chicks 4-5 weeks to get all their feathers and fledge the nest. So, by the end of June, the public should be able to spot them!

The team are keeping us up to date with the chick’s progress, so we will keep this updated as to how they are getting on. Otherwise, you can follow their journey on our social media channels.

Click here to find out more about the animals, attractions, and activities, you can find at Farmer Palmer’s Farm park.

If you want to visit the farm park and take a chance to see the budgies in the aviary, you can book and reserve your tickets here.

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